fredag den 18. februar 2011

PETA forsøger at redde Poes hus

For et par dage siden kom det frem, at The Poe House and Museum i Baltimore, USA, er truet af lukning, fordi kommunen ikke længere ønsker at støtte driften. Det har fået dyreværnsorganisationen PETA på banen. De vil nemlig give et bidrag.

PETA skriver på deres hjemmeside: "Baltimore's Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum is in danger of being nevermore because of budget cuts. PETA is offering to help fund the museum in exchange for displaying an ad educating people about the other "Red Death": meat.
PETA wants to show visitors that they can prevent a premature burial by going vegan and reducing their risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other deadly diseases. What better way to prevent the fall of the house of Poe than by keeping it and its visitors up and running for a long time to come?".

Man må sige, at PETA ikke alene har humor - de ønsker faktisk at hjælpe det døende Edgar Allan Poe-museum. Baltimores Committee for Historic and Architectural Preservation (eller CHAP) er dog ikke begejstrede. "CHAP design standards do not allow the display of advertisements on the building for particular products or causes. It is also inappropriate within the tiny house, where display space is already very limited. The exhibits are devoted to Poe", siger Thomas J. Stosur fra Baltimores Department of Planning til avisen The Baltimore Sun.

Kommunen har altså ingen humor og vil formentlig ende med at sige nej til tilbuddet fra PETA. Det er i øvrigt ikke blevet afsløret hvor mange penge, PETA er parat til at støtte med, men det er første gang nogensinde, at organisationen tilbyder hjælp til et museum. Kilde: Dread Central

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